At Christian Alliance Church of Victoria, our mission is to raise kids that love God and are empowered by their…

Our Church
Christian Alliance Church of Victoria is a member church of the Australian C&MA and maintains a close relationship with the C&MA around the world. Although CACV was first founded as a migrant church, it has grown into an Australian Chinese church. In order to effectively encourage our youth and accomplish the task of the Great Commission in Australia, we started our English ministry in 1992. English is the main language of teaching from grade one onwards in our Children Sunday school of the Chinese ministry.
As an Australian Chinese church, while we are responsible to evangelise local people, we are also aware of the huge need of overseas students. We are delighted to have the opportunities to evangelise and shepherd them. As a member of the C&MA, we also participate in foreign missions. We have a missionary conference every year, and encourage our congregation to contribute to the Great Commission fund …..
Take on yourselves one another’s troubles, and so keep the law of Christ. (Galatians 6:2)
Adult Sunday School
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life” John 14:6 Goal The Christian’s spiritual life begins…
Reverb Youth Ministry
REVERB is our youth fellowship catered for highschoolers from Year 7 – Year 12. The focus of this ministry is…
Barnabas Fellowship
Barnabas Fellowship is a Cantonese cell group for newly graduated, working individuals, and couples who do not yet have children….
Women’s Group
Goal : To unite and strengthen the relationship between sisters in the church, build the spiritual life of the sisters…
Joshua Fellowship (Adults & Families Cell Groups)
The Joshua Fellowship has 11 small groups catering for different age groups and backgrounds. Most of the group meet once…